Thursday, April 22, 2010

Stop asking me!

On American Idol last night, we are asked again for money by people who make millions per year, the first of whom was the President. Of the celebrities on that program, not one that I saw offered up money out of their pocket to buy mosquito nets, or food or whatever else is needed. In a suffering economy, why try to guilt the average American into giving when that money is probably better served spent back into our economy to open more jobs?

The same holds true for Haiti. The PBS program "Frontline" ran a documentary called "The Quake" outlining what has taken place weeks after the earthquake. With the millions given to that country by the average American, people are still living in the streets, in tent villages where over 100 people have to share one toilet. Hospitals still lack badly needed supplies and food and water are still scarce. What happened to that money?

On Idol last night, a representative from the United Nations was also begging for our funds. Wasn't it the United Nations peacekeeping troops that snafu'ed getting the trucks of food & water to those in Haiti sitting at the airport because "they didn't have a plan"?

Americans need to start saying No. Let those who ask for our money give up some of their wealth and put their money where their mouth is.


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